About Rho Cards

Understanding the Team Cards page

The Team Cards page displays a list of all active, inactive, and cancelled Rho Cards that have been issued for any member of your organization. This page can only be viewed by users with an Admin or Bookkeeper role.

The Team Cards page features a customizable table that can be altered to display specific values or card information categories. 

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To view the details of a specific Rho Card, select the card in the table to open it in the Card Details page. For more information about the Card Details page, see Understanding the Card Details page.

Table Actions


Click the Filter icon to display the values you can filter for. Click your desired value and enter the relevant type or name you would like to view. Screen Shot 2023-08-16 at 12.10.44 PM.png


Click the View icon to display options for customizing the viewable table columns. Light green values such as Status and Card Nickname denote mandatory displayed values, while all others are optional. Click on a value to select or deselect it from your table view. 

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To search for a specific card name, click the Search field  and enter the desired search term.

Note: By default, when a Rho Card is created, the Card Name is the first and last name of the user who is assigned the card.

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Bulk Select

Bulk select cards by clicking the box on the far left of your desired card line. Once cards are selected, click the Add Cards To a Budget button in the left corner to assign them to a specific budget. 

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My Cards tab

On the My Cards tab, the following details are viewable, either from the table or from Card Details:

  • Card Name: The name of the card. By default, the card name is your user name. To change the card name, see Can I change the name on my Rho Card?

  • Last 4: The last four digits of the card.

  • Status: The current status of the card (Active, Inactive, or Cancelled).

  • Budget: The budget assigned to the Rho Card. To change the budget assigned to the card, see How can I assign or change a budget for a Rho Card.

  • Spend Account: The checking account assigned to the card. All transactions using the card are paired with this account. Currently, cards can only pair with funds from the Rho Primary Checking account for your organization only.

  • Card Type: Lists whether the Rho Card is a physical card or a virtual card.

  • Spend Limit: The maximum amount of money that can be spent using the Rho Card, if specified.

  • Period Spend: The amount of money spent using the Rho Card during the current period.
