Payment Timing and Settling

What Time Are Scheduled Payments Sent Out?

When scheduling one-time or recurring payments, it's important to note that once scheduled payments reach their due date, they are sent out at approximately 4am EST that day. We release scheduled payments early to ensure that all scheduled domestic wires and ACHs meet the same-day cut-off time, and are settled by that evening.


This means you cannot schedule a payment on the same day you plan to release it. (For example, if you are scheduling a payment on January 2nd to be released on January 2nd the payment will not go out). If you do accidentally schedule a payment on the same day it needs to go out, it will not be released, nor will it default to the next business day automatically. Instead, that payment will be struck as overdue in your Scheduled Payments Tab.

To send a payment in real-time you will need to select the black and green Make A Payment button in your banking tab. On the transaction details page of that payment, be sure to select the "Send Now" option (vs Send Later).

This also means that any scheduled payments that need approval, must be approved prior to 4am EST on their due date, or the payment will not be released.


For scheduled payments that are from Accounts Payable Bills only:

Please make sure the Payment Date is set as a business day (Monday-Friday). Any payment dates set for weekend days (Saturday or Sunday) will not be sent, and be reflected as "overdue" in your Payments Tab.
