Getting Started with Integrations

Learn how to set up your accounting software integration for automated transaction coding

How to Sync Rho Transactions with your Accounting Software

After you’ve set up your Rho integration with your accounting software, you’ll be ready to sync transactions.

Here's a video overview of how to sync single or multiple transactions: 


Step-by-Step: Single or Multi-transaction Sync

  1. Log into and click the Integrations tab in the navigation bar
  2. In the Accounting Dashboard, you'll see all settled transactions
  3. Navigate to the tab of transaction(s) you want to sync -- Banking, Card, Accounts Payable, or Reimbursement 
  4. Ensure all attributes are populated in the transaction(s) you want to sync
  5. Select the transaction(s) and click sync

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Step-by-Step: Bulk Sync

  1. Ensure all attributes are populated in the transaction(s) you want to sync
  2. Click Sync at the top right of the screen, ensuring no specific transactions are selected
  3. Choose which types of transactions (Banking, Card, AP, Reimbursement) & period you'd like to sync
  4. Click Sync

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