When you have Expenses enabled, you can set up custom rules that will apply to any and all Rho Card transactions, reimbursements, and credits.
How to create rules
To create a rule, navigate to the Expenses tab in your Rho dashboard, then scroll to the Rules section and click the + Add Rule button.
Here's what each field means:
- Rule Name
- The name and description will be visible to your organization in the Policies tab
- Expense Type
- This is the type of expense the rule will apply to. You can apply to Rho Card, Reimbursement, and Credit expenses.
- You set conditions that will enable the rule, by amount, user, merchant, and more
- Examples: Amount is greater than $25; Merchant Name equals Home Depot
Set requirements
- If a transaction meets the above conditions, the cardholder will be required to provide these pieces of information
- Mark an expense as Out of Policy if it meets the conditions
- Exclude specific users and cards from the rule
How rules impact the expense flow
When a rule is enabled, it will apply to all relevant transactions. Please note, these are post-spend controls, meaning Expense rules will not cause Rho Cards to get declined.
For more information about Rho Card settings & spend controls, see here.
For examples of expense rules, please see here.